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序号 产品编号 名称 Weight Used for colour Material Roll length [PCE] Dimensions [cm] Volume [LTR] 售价 订购数量
1.0 MULL 300 BL 195g / pc. heavy applications. suitable for 210 l-barrel blue 1 95 x 125 300 ¥9.36
2.0 MULL 120 SW 1.2kg / pc. normal applications. standard black 25 70 x 110 120 ¥46.88
3.0 MULL 120 BLZB 1.4kg / pc. normal applications. with strap blue 25 70 x 110 120 ¥67.20
4.0 MULL 120 BLHD 2kg / pc. heavy applications. extra strong blue 25 70 x 110 120 ¥78.24
5.0 MULL 30 WE 330g / pc. Commercial trash can. extra strong white 50 50 x 60 30 ¥21.92
6.0 MULL 120 GE 1.4kg / pc. normal applications. standard yellow 25 70 x 110 120 ¥65.76
7.0 MULL 70 BL 1.1kg / pc. normal applications. standard blue 25 57 x 100 70 ¥43.84
8.0 MULL 20 TR-50 140g / pc. small rubbish bin transparent 50 45 x 54 20 ¥13.84
9.0 MULL 120 RT 1.4kg / pc. normal applications. standard red 25 70 x 110 120 ¥65.76
10.0 MULL 120 TR 1.3kg / pc. normal applications. standard transparent 25 70 x 110 120 ¥60.88
11.0 MULL 120 BL 1.3kg / pc. normal applications. standard blue 25 70 x 110 120 ¥44.64
Rubbish bags and sacks (premium quality), Polyethylene (PE)

Advantages: •made from environmentally neutral polyethylene (premium recycling) of high quality, •ground water neutral at landfill site, releases no harmful gases or substances,•can be incinerated as PE consists only of hydrogen and carbon
Catalogue page Pneumatic Atlas 8 (Page 941) Suitable accessories:
  • GARDENA combination system
  • CEJN spray guns with adjustable spray agent amount, 1.2 litres
  • Spray guns with spray stream adjustment and plastic cups, 0.7 litre
  • Oil binding agents (absorbent litter)
  • Moist cleaning cloths
  • Industrial cleaning cloths, DIN 61650
  • Paper towel holder
  • Rubbish bag stand
  • Cleaner
  • Special hand cleaner

  • All technical data are to be understood as non-binding reference values. prices given plus VAT
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