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序号 产品编号 名称 Weight Height [mm] function 售价 订购数量
1.0 DR NAMUR FS 230g / pc. 25 3/2-way flow control for exhaust air of the side where pressure is applied ¥650.96
2.0 DR NAMUR FSFO 300g / pc. 30 3/2-way flow control for supply and exhaust air of the side where pressure is applied ¥1042.64
3.0 DR NAMUR DIS6 47g / pc. 6 Spacer plate (6 mm) ¥150.48
4.0 DR NAMUR FO 230g / pc. 25 3/2-way flow control for supply air of the side where pressure is applied ¥650.96
5.0 DR NAMUR 230g / pc. 25 5/2-way flow control on both sides ¥764.56
NAMUR adapter plates with flow control silencers / spacer plates

Materials: Body: anodized aluminium, flow control valves: nickel-plated brass, seal: NBR
Advantages: •precise adjustment of the opening or closing speed of the actuator, •for actuators with spring return (3/2 way) the reset speed can also be set
Catalogue page Pneumatic Atlas 8 (Page 481) Suitable accessories:
  • L push-in fittings, short, standard
  • Polyurethane hoses, external tolerance
  • Polyamide hoses, standard
  • 5/2-way solenoid valves G 1/4" with hole pattern according to NAMUR, SN3000 model series
  • 5/2-way and 3/2-way solenoid valves with spring return and hole pattern according to NAMUR
  • Control cable, flexible, YSLY-JZ
  • Push-in fittings with male and female threads, standard
  • tube cutter

  • All technical data are to be understood as non-binding reference values. prices given plus VAT
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