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序号 产品编号 名称 Weight Roll length [MTR] Burst pressure [bar] Vacuum / pressure [bar] Hose Ø external [mm] Hose Ø inside [mm] 售价 订购数量
1.0 CHSSP 38 PL 1.2kg / m 40 64 -0.9 to 16 51 38 (1 1/2") ¥444.24
2.0 CHSSP 19 PL 600g / m 40 64 -0.9 to 16 31 19 (3/4") ¥271.52
3.0 CHSSP 75 PL 3kg / m 40 64 -0.8 to 16 91 75 ¥824.16
4.0 CHSSP 32 PL 1kg / m 40 64 -0.9 to 16 44 32 (1 1/4") ¥395.44
5.0 CHSSP 51 PL 2.4kg / m 40 64 -0.9 to 16 66 50 (2") ¥557.84
Chemical suction pressure hoses made of EPDM, heavy-duty version, EN 12115

Materials: Inner tube: Cross-linked polyethylene, smooth, black,conductive, FDA food-safe approval; ceiling: EPDM, black, fabric finished, anti-static, abrasion and weather resistant; inserts: fabric braid, steel coil and copper strands
Temperature range: Dependent on medium, please ask. Can be sterilised by using steam (temporary up to max. +130°C)
Electrical resistance: R <1 MOhm/m
Operating range: Conducting a large number of chemicals. Suitable for most acids, lyes, mineral products and solvents used in the industry. Can also be used as a flexible connection in paint systems. Please ask specifically for the resistance of your medium. Flame resistance conforming to TRbf 131, part 2, par. 5.5.
Catalogue page Pneumatic Atlas 8 (Page 342) Technical documentation Suitable accessories:
  • Quick coupling sockets with hose screw connection type C, EN 14420-7 (DIN 2828), PN 25
  • Hinge bolt clamps
  • Hose clamps 2-parts with loose guides, similar to DIN 20039 A
  • Clamps 2-piece, Dimensions according to EN 14420-3 (DIN 2817)
  • Hose connection tubes, hose connection tubes reducing, PN 16
  • Threaded nozzles with cylindrical thread - internal cone, PN 10/16/40
  • Threaded nozzles with conical thread without a collar, PN 50
  • Threaded nozzles with male thread and safety collar, Dimensions according to EN 14420-5 (DIN 2817)
  • Threaded nozzle, Dimensions according to DIN EN 14423 / DIN 2826
  • Hose screw connections connecting nut and safety collar, Dimensions according to EN 14420-5 (DIN 2817)

  • All technical data are to be understood as non-binding reference values. prices given plus VAT
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